Maryport sunset, pan pastel on card, with some pen added.

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Lovely day to be out with a sketchbook drawing the tide coming in

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Black Friday Offers IV including Test of Honour and Terrain - Plus Cruel Seas action with a focus on the US Navy! Highlight on an early war BA French Army, then a look at the Battles of Solway Moss and Winwaed. -

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Christ's Church Maryport, pen, pencil and watercolour wash on paper.

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These are the type of paintings students will make on the next course 31.10.18 only 3 places left!

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I’ll be exhibiting 3 paintings as part of a Solway House group exhibition at The Yellow Door. 👌🏻preview tonight!

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Last few days to catch based FRASER IRVINE . His '#Land & ' are inspired by the Do come and take a look. Closes this Sat 25th Nov. and are in our exhibition space at . 10am-5pm.

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of mine of Port Carlisle rediscovered at my sisters from another lifetime i.e. About 15yrs ago!

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Sunset over Criffel. small canvas to be part of the 'Celebration of the Solway' exhibition.

1 2 .com. "Solway rhythm II". Bowness on Solway as painted in oils last week

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