La vita, con le sue regole, i suoi obblighi e le sue libertà, è come un sonetto: ti viene data la forma, ma devi scrivere tu stesso il sonetto.
Madeleine L'Engle (Una ruga nel tempo)

kenne gregoire

2 4

Me and are working on sonething quite wholesom, check out his profile for more of them soon

7 47

He fet aquesta postaleta de Nadal, inclusiva i sí, un poc nyonya.🙈 Imprimiré unes quantes i les enviaré a algunes personetes especials. Si algú també vol ser vintage que me'n compre alguna! 🥰

5 10

Froggy Friend bought for 0.07 ETH by 0xc92665 from BeepsOnETH

0 1

Froggy Friend bought for 0.09 ETH by BeepsOnETH from 0xc92665

2 8


1 13

Se potessi scrivere la bellezza dei tuoi occhi,
E in numeri freschi numero tutte le tue grazie,
L'età a venire direbbe 'Questo poeta mente;
Tocchi così celesti non toccavano volti terreni. '
(William Shakespeare,Sonetto XVII)

Francis Picabia

60 98

Wow, I love the orange haired girl whose mom, who was a scientist investigating a subject important for the core plot of the series, committed a suicide in front of her so she blames herself for it, having psychological issues and hallucinations because of it

0 22

-starts up P5R-
"Bro that's gay"

Gonna use for when I write about Persona

0 16

We be comfy cause sonetimes you need a casual Sunday~

34 384

sonette from 's SONNET AU!! (it is also their birthday today, so uh. go wish them happy birthday now do it)

15 52

Lemy y Sonette Viendo un Curioso Anime ;3
No he visto Muchos dibujos de ella Supongo que deberia hacer mas ;D

11 37

WOO i'm a filipino nonbinary aroace artist and i draw + cosplay , you should follow me bc im funny sonetimes 🫶🏽

3 2

paint sonething on breast ,origin by @ saikou_zh

0 1

+ Se viene la Soneta.
- ¿Que soneta?

7 13

Excuse my nerd rant:

I'm already in love with this school, what kind of hex is this 🥲 they even have the props from the movie Twister AND the real failed model it was based on...they also have their own mesonet...

And they let me help deploy the lidar and radiometer 🙈

0 1

"Amore non è Amore se muta quando scopre un mutamento o tende a svanire quando l'altro s'allontana. Oh no! Amore è un faro sempre fisso che sovrasta la tempesta e non vacilla mai."

✒️Shakespeare, Sonetto 116



144 251