Day 11 - S3ep6

"I didn't make you pull the switch. I didn't make you do anything! I didn't break the world - but I am gonna fix it. And you? You made your choice. Now live with it!"

character development, poetic cinema, maximum adora loving hours, AWE

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Day10 - S3ep06

I do not cry often, it's hard for me. But this was the first moment She-Ra brought me to tears, and I didn't rly stop for the rest of the episode after. These three, and this series, are truly special to me. I can't ever express that enough.

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Day 9 - S3ep6

Life took precedence over drawing today, but I wanted to keep up the countdown, so here's some pieces I drew last year....The Portal impacted me so heavily and in so many ways. ;__;

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Day 8 - S2ep5 (Pt. 2)

And another for today - Gosh, just look at them. Two peas in a pod :')

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Day 7 - S2ep2 (Again)

Adora and Swift Wind's relationship has always been a source of happiness for me in the series and I was so glad they got an episode focus! This scene in particular has my whole heart, it was beautiful :') ❤️💗

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Day 6 - S2ep2

Look there are way more cinematic scenes in this ep, but was these three goofs clinging to a log the one I focused on? yes.

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Day 3 - S1ep6

Today's shot is an ode to this entire episode bc I loved EVERYTHING abt it, but poor Glimmer babysitting Adora was v special fpfpfp (&I changed the shot to include Adora trying to touch Entrapta and Glimmer stopping her bc?? It was Good)

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