# wip

With all the Rumble stuff I haven’t had a minute to remind y’all I’m working on one of those… Crowdfunded funny books all the kids are doing these days.

Here’s some early pages I’m sure I’ve posted at some point.

12 33

I don’t always do an Easter Egg, but when I do… is love.

Also I need more stickers for the dresser wall of fame.

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Rhys Randall, child space adventurer with a cardboard spaceship named the “David’s Sling”.

2 12

Star Fetched - 33 pages of art finished. Current mood.

2 14

Bout’ to turn in. G’night Twittah’!

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Dare you face off against the Clawstritch and their dreaded butt-slugs??

Play 'Star Fetched' and obliterate sentient bum sacks in space!


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Progress. Good morning, Rhys!

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