This artwork i made years ago is i'm colored my artwork be like that.

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This screenshot of Toy Story Great Series season 2 about while fighting VampBear, but Buzz has hypnotized by him and he been controlled by him to defeated Woody and Bo.

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Yelly and Velity having picnic at City park like that and Yelly give flower crown for Velity.

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Ben become new co-worker for Woody to help him catcher all outlaws, also Buzz be another co-worker.

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After Count Vampbear finally realized and change, he will forgiving to Woody after he have done to him and help Woody and friends to take Gabby Gabby to find new kids after Harmony.

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Before Xiao Chi says goodbye to Luna Po at the toy store, Xiao Chi will give Luna a new hope to be able to treat herself

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In Toy Story Great Series, Woody going to sleep with Yelly and going continue journey to find his friends.

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After Woody has defeated by Wadebridge, his friends going take him to hospital.

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Abba is kinda weird to see Woody with Bo not make her jealous of his real girlfriends.

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Woody tried to defeated against Lazarus, but even has defeated by Lazarus's lightning.

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While Woody fighting Emperor Eagan, he going to used true evil clown magic for defeat him.

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