Przed Wami obwoluta pierwszego tomu mangi Re:Zero – Życie w innym świecie od zera – Księga czwarta: Sanktuarium i Wiedźma Chciwości.
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Re:Zero staff celebrates Rem and Ram birthday with cute illustrations!!
happy birthday to our favorite demon maids!!

Anime: Re:Zero

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Caught up with Re:Zero earlier, ended up doin this
I'm fuckin proud of my boy ;-;

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Its a bit dissappointment.. maybe too cruel for an anime.. a scene when subaru ate his own fingers not expose in the recent episode 😑

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subaru! How do you know everything that is going to happen before it happens?

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Alguien aun recuerda a la chica que se parecía a Rem de Re:Zero?

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Someone on pixiv had requested a drawing of Ram and Rem with their OC. ...however today their account was suspended/deleted. So I drew Subaru with them instead.

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Rem's getting these two out of trouble all the time.

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