Day 11: A character who taught you something about love <3
Sunati and Austen from Always Human! I'm only supposed to do one character per prompt but doing one character without the other just kinda felt wrong on this one. They're such a good pair 💞

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El resumen de mi fumada sería como...

Nichirin Tsunatsegui es una cientifica humillada de una corporación que estudian... Bichos raros xd.

Y en uno de esos, la chica slime se fusiona con Nichirin, dando lugar a Nitsuna :0!!1!1!

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Las dos waifus juntas :0✨
La verdad es que si hacía tiempo que no dibujaba a Nitsuna UwU ( Si, su nombre completo es Nichirin Tsunatsegi xd)
// //

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この度、拙宅ギルベルトとすなちさん(@ sunati00)宅のラヴァさんで恋仲を組ませていただきました!

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A Happy Birthday to Setsuna Tokage! Don't go to pieces on us ;D

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Tokage in Rin's hero costume

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"My name is Towa Higurashi I’m 14 years old, training to become a demon slayer. Me and Setsuna are the best sibling team ever."

avi art: made by SetsunaTowa on Instagram
pin art: made by maruaru00.

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"My name is Towa Higurashi, 14 years old and in training to become a demon slayer like my sister Setsuna the best team ever."

avi made by SetsunaTowa of Instagram

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my sunatsukki drawing difference but the love remains the same 😌

January 2021 September

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tsunatachi makes life last longer

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400+ followers 🥳 thank you sm tsunation 💌 here are 4 types of tsu for you🤸 ily guys 💘.

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Setsuna Tokage/Lizardy. Probably won't draw her again, but she's pretty cool.

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