Meet Miss Struction, the occasional ally of The Squad. She isn't too happy about that.
Vivian belongs to

21 8

"They call me The Dart 'cause I when I fly, I fly FAST. And not because I get stuck in walls half the time. Nope, that's all lies."
Collin belongs to

17 11

Poor Lucky, being the only member of the Spectacular Six without any powers kind of sucks, doesn't it? At least he's part of the team now. And they finally figured out a name!
Characters owned by and

2 5

I decided to give that previous drawing a background and some other stuff. Now it really looks like the character select screen for some video game!
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4 12

She's ready to stir up a racket, for she is...
The Racketeer!

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An updated lineup thing for "The Squad" and the villains that aren't completely evil I guess. Means that team-ups are... likely? (they'd probably complain about it, though)
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Crazy how fast time flies! Also pretty crazy how the designs for the main two's supersuits stayed generally the same (with some differences, I guess)
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2 4

I decided "You know what? I should draw some mook vehicles for the heroes to blow up once in a while" so I did. I pity the chumps who were forced to drive these death traps.

3 3

Some more art for that Murphy and Mitzi
showing why Mitzi changing into her hero form in her own bedroom not be as good as an idea as she thought (though she did get the idea from Murphy)
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32 11

Edgy 90's reimaginings, you know, the ones where they use guns and knives and swear a whole bunch

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SuperStar's one of the most famous superheroes in the city, so it's no surprise that other heroes are envious of her success.

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The New Lennium Hero Squad... or just The Squad for short
(I decided the rest of the heroes would just be ones these four would encounter once in a while)

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The Squad aren't the ONLY heroes in the city, there's also SuperStar, who's really famous and powerful (and the only person who knows of her secret identity is, well, herself.)

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It's a good thing he stuck the landing this time!
(character belongs to )

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Don't you hate it when there's suddenly an alien invasion that ruins your peaceful afternoon?
(characters belong to and )

6 5

Just a couple of perfectly ordinary kids and a team of superheroes who definitely AREN'T the secret identities of those same kids
(characters belong to and )

2 2

On their way to rescue... office supplies?

17 4

Always remember to pay attention while flying!

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And here's The Dart's partner in crime-fighting, UltraBun

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