Idunno I kinda forgor how to Draw these days

Actually they kinda sux bc I couldn’t find other shades of green from this material
I’LL TRY TO FIX IT I SWEAR but I’m Just lzy

7 46

72- Mega Man and Bass: two unique characters to play as, an awesome roster of robot masters and weapons, a really good item shop and collectible data entries of every single character from the series before this game. All ingredients to an excellent MM game right? Wrong. Game sux

0 2

pruita walked so bunny could run
hetalia sux but fanon pruita will forever hold onto my heart idc

3 18

But yeah fuckin. life sux. wrist pain. kill god. confound human wrist/hand anatomy. jesus christ it hurts to supress the urge, I just wanna keep working on this.

0 25

Que diu que'l SuX3 24 hores però si no funciona al carrer com fa la BBC.

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Don't really know what to draw anymore. Art block sux

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I miss creating art too! Can't hold 2d media anymore, so I do digital; drawing with a mouse sux tho. Here's some of my older things -- animals & fantasy art

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god even my scanner fucking sux but heres the 300dpi scan

6 16

happy panty and stocking month

have this piece I did maybe 2 years ago lol it sux

hope i see these too baddies with cream

14 60

luckily i right click saved the piece i bought from you also lol.

opensea sux buttz and nutz.

0 3

Tried remixing megalo strike back for the first (can't send it here cuz uhh twitter sux):

2 44

Laffy taffy tounge. yummy. (silly doodle. last one for tonight teehee. this doodle sux wtf lol) 🐰🎸

61 540

WOW! It’s amazing! The ‘Love Sux’ era by the amazing @/jansumalla on Instagram ✨❤️

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🖤♥️LOVE SUX♥️🖤

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