Ugh!! Young people nowadays!!
I can't even read my book in peace!!

4 20

Shhh...keep it down. Saturday is the one day Callie gets to sleep in.

18 82

Furlong Friday
**Wait... Today is Wednesday... whoops!! I don't care ,lol**

14 47

For T-Bone Tuesday (which isn't a thing; but really should be). XD

22 91

-_- Dr.Abby have to eat them both because it about to expire

4 17

And this is how ceria end up at megakats city.

**Probably draw how Evan and Katie end up at megakats city soon**

4 15

Happy year of the rabbit from Bunny Briggs! 🐇

16 50

Katie "I'm NOT your target practice furlong!"
Chance " Practice for what??"

7 21

This is what happens when you piss off T-Bone. Hurt his partner Razor, or his friends Callie and Felina, he will kick your tail HARD.

2 17

It's featuring the work of - there's a reason why doesn't go golfing with the Mayor ⛳️

17 52

*Redraw the art*
Chance : Why i always find you in bad situation,kitty? Care to explain?
Katie : (•-•") s-sorry

3 16

It's featuring artist . Ann Gora is about to break another story... literally with yet another one of MBC's cameras 📹 🏏

Make sure to also follow on Ko-Fi for commission availability▶️

16 52

Callie Briggs from "Swat Kats: Radical Squadron"

1008 6021

Three of my all time favorite animated ladies! Diane Foxington, Maid Marian, and Callie Briggs! Can't wait to do more art of them!

11 46