Beleg snuggles (feat. Mablung & Túrin)

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For Man Day, it's my own personal favorite Tolkien Man, Túrin Turambar: walking disaster. I only had time for a quick portrait today.

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For —prompt: a character as a child. It's Thingol with little Túrin! Thingol loves his new Man-son.

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For thrills, Thranduil throws Thorin & Theoden into thongs; Tulkas, Tom Bombadil & Túrin Turambar trim a tree.

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Joined a dnd campaign and decided to try out the Blood Hunter class! This is Túrin he is a wood elf.

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Túrin hiere de muerte a Glaurung, por el artista estadounidense Guy Gondron

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Túrin and Beleg, winter and summer. Digital sketches.

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imagination was shaped by the His 1st prose tale (interspersed with poetry) was a retelling of the story of Kullervo (published posthumously, ed. by V. Flieger), a figure who later inspired Túrin Turambar (art by )

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She is gone. Leaves are falling down. The tear maiden will not return. The seal of oblivion is broken. And a pure love's been turned into sin.

The Tragic Tale of Túrin Turambar.

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“And he said: ‘Hail Gurthang! No lord or loyalty dost thou know, save the hand that wieldeth thee. From no blood wilt thou shrink. Wilt thou therefore take Túrin Turambar, wilt thou slay me swiftly?’”

Artwork by peet

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“Then Glaurung died, and the veil of his malice was taken from her, and she remembered all the days of her life. Looking down upon Túrin she cried: ‘Farewell, O twice beloved! A Túrin Turambar, turun ambartanen: master of doom, by doom mastered!’”

Artwork by Kenneth Sofia

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Let’s play a game! Comment who’s your favourite Hero from the First Age of Middle-earth: Beren Erchamion, Túrin Turambar, Tuor Ulmondil, or Eärendil the Mariner?

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“But Túrin came to his aid, and all fled before him; and he bore Gwindor out of the rout, and escaping into a wood there laid him on the grass.”

Credit to the artist

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“‘Who are you?’ said Túrin.

‘A wandering Elf, a thrall escaped, whom Beleg met and comforted,’ said Gwindor. ‘Yet once I was Gwindor son of Guilin, a Lord of Nargothrond, until I went to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and was enslaved in Angband.’”

Artwork by Travelingfinrod

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“There he made a song for Beleg, and he named it Laer Cú Beleg, the Song of the Great Bow, singing it aloud heedless of peril. And Gwindor gave the sword Anglachel into his hands.”

Artwork by MaraEmerald

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“There Gwindor spoke to Túrin: ‘Awake, Túrin son of Húrin Thalion! On Ivrin’s Lake is endless laughter. She is fed from crystal fountains unfailing, and guarded from defilement by Ulmo, Lord of Waters, who wrought her beauty in ancient days.’”

Artwork MaraEmerald

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