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Maaf, boleh saranin tab under 7 juta untuk main genshin dan gim adiknya?
Makasih banyak
hey 👋 thanks for 25k followers 🎉
to celebrate, i'm gonna be drawing, which is something i've never done before. do not look at my media tab to check
holy shit my media tab finally started loading shit past Mario again. the curse is broken
why are there just... random empty slots on my media tab-
Baguette Rider was posted by the devs on Community Tab.
W https://t.co/LdFhYPmhBF
Tab art! baru maka belajar anatomi tangan sambil mewing (nge-grind)
ahhahahah I missed using a small tab omg the wacom intuos small is small indeed but its just what I needed, its precise and fast and no slumping in the chair, I missed this feeling huhu glad I bought it finally so I can start drawing here again~
i'd rather not reply for now because keeping them on request tab helps me organize them better..! If it's a time sensitive urgent commission please @/mention or email me instead!
For the past year+ I have no idea if I gained or lost followers on twitter, no analytics available at all?
but now I have "Grok" tab...Elomb u dummy!
Nemu gambar lama kokomi di tab lama.. pas bgtt hbd my sweet girl! Udah berapa lama ya gambar ini...
LAVIE Tab T9購入時にデジタルペン3もセットで購入したので、ついに本格的にデジタル絵描きデビュー(笑)(以前KindleHD10でやってた時は筆圧感知なしのペンでやってたのでw)
All three pieces are available now! Just search my media tab. If you enjoyed this series, consider leaving me a tip? ☕️
Unwatermarked versions are available for download if u choose to become my patron 👀
Art! Gambar sender yg paling baru :3 balik lagi di hp karena pen tab ga deteksi pressure 😭
Artist! Kalian yg pake tab/ipad buat gambar, spill dong merk/series yg kalian pakai!