Rest in Autumn by Takehisa Yumeji (1884–1934)

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Yumeji Takehisa (竹久夢二, 1884–1934)

Rest in Autumn


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The fabulous colour sense of Yumeji Takehisa 1884 –1934, Japanese poet and painter known mostly for his illustrations of women. He also illustrated book covers, produced newspaper illustrations in series, textile prints, postcards, and patterned washi paper.

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Happy B-Day Tenka, Susumu, Takehisa & Jotaro!

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Good night! 🌛

"Snowy night (ゆきのよる)" 1915
by Takehisa Yumeji

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Takehisa Yumeji (竹久夢二, 1884–1934)

Climbing Mt.Fuji


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Snowy Night Legend
(Yumeji Takehisa)

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Takehisa Yumeji (1884~1934)
forlorn, curious, perhaps merely calm

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Yumeji Takehisa 
1884〜1934 Maiko
woodblock prints
竹久夢二 舞妓 木版画

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Hell in Illusion by Takehisa Yumeji (1884–1934)

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"monologue of a squirrel (りすのひとりごと)" 1926
by Takehisa Yumeji

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