I know it might not be much for a 400 Kingdom Milestone, but, the best I can do right now is...how about this? I still don't think you're ready...

6 30

To everyone in the Kingdom and far away lands! I truly hope you're all doing well today! Today is a wonderful day for us all! An amazing milestone of 250 individuals in the Kingdom AND this beautiful art from the talented @/beru_flower, I'm so honored!

6 23

Beautiful art and amazing talent just never cease to amaze me! Thank you so for yet another amazing surprise art! I'm so honored, truly, my friends!

This amazing piece comes from the talented and wonderful @/miolovesyoulots! Thank you so very much, my friend!

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Hmm?...Oh, hello my friend! What brings your here?... Me? Oh, you know I trust my friends in the Kingdom! I was just preparing for a relaxing hot bath to reminisce on the past and how we've grown! No, you can't come, you joker! Haha!

Art by: @/pengwei_yuin

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I told you there'd be a surprise, didn't I? 100 is nothing to snuff at. This is our small, growing Kingdom, with me at the front to keep your chins held high! With your love and support guiding us forward!

Long Live The King!

Art: Elara_7 on Fiverr

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