"Oh sh*t, crazy woman likes me..."

Don't forget to go to the artist's page and give a lot of love: https://t.co/E0onf4guxa

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I also used to draw a BUNCH of and I still like these tiny renditions of some of her great fashion choices through the years. Her pink Peter Pan outfit is still my favorite.

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My work on DC Bombshells 💣
We get to use 1940s-1950s historical reference and superheroes. You couldn’t sign me up faster.
💥 💥 💥

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Baby Damian with his mother, okay, I was really try to get his hair just right and puffy like it is in that one comic, but don’t know if I succeeded. Lmao

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Это очень (ОЧЕНЬ) старые зарисовки, которые возобновились совсем недавно. (Последний - самый свеженький; я очень хочу глянуть на Коннера и Джона, как на братишек🥺)

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