Celebrating the wonderful diversity of life we have on our planet and the scientists who help to research, identify, discover, image, draw, describe, monitor and protect species

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There is a genus of birds named the "Arses", commonly called monarch flycatchers. It seems a scientist was a bit peeved about birds eating their favorite type of butterfly... In reality, it is named after Persian king Arses who ruled from 338 until 336 BC

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Deep Sea (Genus Muusoctopus). from Carl Chun, The Cephalopoda (trans. 1975). View in with thanks to for digitizing: https://t.co/u2cm4cq1Rg

Thanks again to for helping my research on this

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The differences of ducks. A page of Scaups from one of Alfred Crawhall Chapman's on a trip to Holy Island, December 1886, to "prove their changes of plumage". It was important to understand plumage to avoid misidentifying & misclassifying species

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The red panda is the only living species of it's family Ailuridae. It was once thought to be related to bears or racoons.

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Reference books & scientific papers vital for taxonomic work in museums

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by natural_history_museum:We're sticking with our recent theme today, to … https://t.co/hAamjOLl1b

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A belated Valentines for A by any other name...#illustration https://t.co/yUcGzBKWnR

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symbolizes transformation. Happy New Year! (Aeshna mutata) https://t.co/yUcGzBKWnR

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