Day 5 of is the Payara! They use their fangs to puncture fish swim bladders. A type of Dogtooth tetra and so are related to Piranha,Pacu and Tetras .

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*Edit: Needed to makes changes HNNNN* Min Jong! She's the co-captain to Team Harmonink! Very fit and while wielding the Dark Tetras, you'll see lots of cool moves from her!

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Alright, I drew Adam and Vic... so I had to draw Silver from by as well! Something to hold me over until the sequel, Trailer Park Trickster comes out. 👀

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Tetras are best weapon 😍😍😼

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Aoi Asahina — Paracheirodon innesi

Tetras neons são perfeitos para aquários comunitários, já que necessita de companhia. Um cardume de a partir 6 peixes é ideal para deixá-lo desinibido e à vontade. São bem animados, energéticos e fáceis de lidar.

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Whoops! I misread this week's as fish ONLY from Cypriniformes, Perciformes, or Cichliformes...

Here's some more aquarium fish:
🐟 Tetras are Characiformes
🐟 Corydoras catfish are Siluriformes
🐟 Livebearers are Cyprinodontiformes
🐟 Gourami are Anabantiformes

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Here's some more aquarium fish:
Tetras are Characiformes
Corydoras catfish are Siluriformes
Livebearers are Cyprinodontiformes
Gourami are Anabantiformes
Hope that helps with prompts!!

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