My punk rock bard, Ryybyn, who rebelled against a conservative theocratic society and now gets to delight in having divine power directly from that god when giving the finger to the church lmao. Helping ppl in need w/o strings is punk, helping as missionary work ain’t

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三枚目はMili -「String Theocracy」

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I really like sheep/fluffy things (idk if those are sheep or not but they’re fluffy ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ )

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My inspiration is princess Morbucks from powerpuff girl to my oc "Sandy" with grumpy look and ginger 😂🎃

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The OC vs the Inspiration

Marinda North, an OC I made, I like how she's evolved since then.

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The OC vs the Inspiration

Malcer Emberron, my DnD character who I still feel like is trying to figure themselves out.

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I think this is also, VERY apparent. 😂

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Oc vs the Inspiration! 🖤
There are a lot of inspirations I took for Jason. Here's just a few.

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seen this going around sooo (yes i built that house)
The OC vs the Inspiration

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the oc vs the inspiration . I had to do Scenery since she my dearest oc. She has so many inspirations but these are a few. Maquia, Kagome and Athanasia

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Theocracy the angel ,

Army of angels prepare to fight for the humans and defeat the evil ones

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Finally I introduce a new oc that I've been working on and his/their crazy royal ex(no name atm)

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