Make sure you pick up a copy of today's matchday programme, featuring captain with as he is set to make his 150th appearance for the club!

Available from programme sellers around the -

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Did you (or are you) doing anything special for ?#theCovKids

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Hey Are you doing anything special for Day tomorrow?

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'Brothers in arms' Jack Willis & Tom Willis start together for the first time in new look Wasps back row!

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ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ It's Game Day! Anniversary 🐝🆚🤡

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Hi Simon, welcome to Coventry where comedians become Lollipop men (or women). By the way loved 'Grandma's House'. All the best

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Hi London, all come together in our diverse City of Peace & Reconciliation, we want to win because we are the City of Cultures!

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trending because this is the hour! Coventry is a welcoming diverse city, I'm so proud of it!

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Congratulations on your first 11,000 followers, here's to the next 11,000! see you at

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Parliament came to Cov in 1459, now the Coventry City of Culture 2021 team has gone to them! are backing the Bid

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It can be hard going after the holidays. If your child needs advice is here

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Alright A very Happy 4th birthday from

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Good luck to everyone who got their A Level results today - good or not so good it'll be ok in the end!

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If that's the right then welcome to our Saturday night TV & congratulations from me and

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Hi do you want your Portrait doing, or a Birthday Boy or Girl, a Leaving Do, or your favourite Stars or Celebs?

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GAME DAY! 🐝🐝🐝Good luck Wasps v Exeter Chiefs at Twickenham Stadium today for the 2016/17 title 🏆 the

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Great to see Count Arthur Strong back on BBC One on Fridays (at 8.30pm) but will he still have time to be a Lollipop man?

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On Saturday will be celebrating Free Comic Book Day at Forbidden Planet, Coventry. See you there?

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