Overwatch was the game I didn't want to like but ended up loving anyway. ❤

Here's aL little recap of the first OVW fanart I ever created vs. my most recent WIP.

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Wanted to do one last tribute to my most played heroes before ow2 launches. I met so many fantastic people through Overwatch and have made so many amazing memories. I’ll miss it, but i’m excited to see where it goes.

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This art is some of the first OVW art I ever made. Even during the hardest days, I have fond memories that I will hold with me for a life time from this game. I'm excited to start a new journey and begin making new memories.

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I made a lot of memories and friends through Overwatch. From doing fanart to having the opportunity to do some sprays for the game was unbelievable to me! Here are my favorite pieces that I drew!✨👋#SeeYouOnTheOtherSide

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It was only after meeting Overwatch and meeting Sombra that I learned to love the characters.
I have made many friends.
I've been playing this game for the longest time in my life!
Keep up the good work, of course!💜💜

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All these bittersweet messages about the end of Overwatch 1 will never make me unremember this phot

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Thank you Overwatch for giving me one of my favourite characters of all time! I've mained him for years, drawn him, and followed his lore every step of the way. Excited for more content and learning more about the Reaper guy. 🖤

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Showing my main some love while servers are down 😇💕

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It may sound kinda silly to say that a video game means a lot in my life, but Overwatch is that game to me. It’s sad to see OW1 go, but I’m so excited for OW2!
I should really make more fanart but here is some that I’ve drawn over the years :’)💜

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Thank you for everything,
This game has been such an inspiration and place of comfort. When I have a bad day, I turn to Overwatch and OWL.
I can’t wait to see what Overwatch 2 brings!

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one of my favorite memories was being featured on the OWL website for the 2021 season with this fanart of Celebration! I look forward to seeing the fun and excitement Overwatch 2 brings!

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I didn't manage to be online for the final hours of Overwatch 1 but I'm sad to see this era go
This game basically carried me and my friends through lockdown and I'll always be grateful for it bringing us closer together

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For all the Zarya and Rein mains .. it was fun while it lasted💗

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Redraw of Widowmaker that I had originally done back in 2016 :')
original in replies!

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Overwatch will forever be a dear franchise to me. I remember the reveal for Hammond and being so excited to draw him. It was the first fanart that got over 9k likes.
Thank you for all the great memories, and I can't wait for OW2 ✨

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