My name is Ismael Bergara and I do art direction, project management, color stylist, Background painter/designer for companies like Studio Yotta, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Adult Swim, Double Fine, Blizzard, and currently working on Super Meat Boy forEVAH!

9 58

I'm Aynsley King, a storyboard artist for animation! I've boarded on My Little Pony: FiM, My Little Pony The Movie, Littlest Pet Shop, Transformers: Rescue Bots & two other awesome NDAs I can't yet say! My fave is boarding emotional, dramatic and action scenes!

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In awe of all the talent in Hope to join you all soon. Moving to LA and looking for work in character design and visual development.

1 14

Hey ! Im April, a storyboard artist currently on Victor and Valentino! My previous work includes revisions/transformations/freelance boards for Ben 10, and boards for Nick Jr's Shimmer and Shine!

4 35

My name is Sandra! I'm an animator, storyboard artist, and freelance cartoonist. I've worked on projects for Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Dreamworks, Studio Yotta, Double Fine, & so much more. I'm currently working on a game called Super Meat Boy Forever 🥩🥩🍖

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Heys I’m Mayumi! I’m currently a character designer at WB and sometimes-story-revisionist. I’ve worked at Nickelodeon, DisneyTV, DisneyToon, Sony, and DreamworksTV on various things✨

156 1272

Hi! I design characters, do some visual development here and there, cook a killer tortilla de patata and more recently started creating content for VR; directing, writing and producing an award winning short film called Madrid Noir

36 321

I'm John, I'm an freelance animator/character designer and I've done stuff for and music artists like Håkan Hellström and Thomas Di Leva, and Shadowmachine studio!

24 164

Heyyy - I'm a TV director, storyboard artist and sometime teacher! I'm lucky to have worked on a bunch of great shows over the years. I also love to read & draw comics!

69 524

I’m Alexandra Bender. I’m a creator, writer & actress. Original work includes “Katharina The Supervillain” and a song called “Shitty Childhood Friends.” Currently working towards rebooting Angela Anaconda. Worked at Disney ABC and Vin Di Bona Productions.

0 7

Hello tag!! I’m Jocelyn and I am a Character Designer at ! I was previously on Shimmer and Shine and am now currently designing characters on The Loud House! I enjoy drawing fanart in my downtime.✨

2 75

I'm Sam. I'm an animator and art director at I'm a big 1950's nerd but also totally was lead designer on my first TV show recently called Kit & Pup, which helped quence my Japanese mascot thirst

7 113

Hi I'm Evan! I've done a bit of everything in design. I got my start on Yo Gabba Gabba! I art directed Danger & Eggs, was Character Design Supervisor on Pinky Malinky, Character Designer on Glitch Techs, and now on a secret project at Netflix!

6 76

Hi I'm Raj! I'm a storyboard artist on Big City Greens, and I've storyboarded on 12 Forever and was a revisionist on Pinky Malinky. I love sci fi/coming of age stories and anything to do with the future.

13 153

Hi everyone! My name is Scott Epstein and I'm a Character Designer & Visual Development Artist in Animation! I've worked on several upcoming films for Warner Animation Group, a TV show at WB, and the "Paddington" series for Blue Zoo!

13 100

Hi I’m James, artist, drawer guy. I started off as a PA, then to Character Designer to Revisionist and now Storyboard artist! I’ve worked at places like Cartoon Network, Stoopid Buddy Studios, WB, etc and currently at DWTV!

11 61

Hello I’m a UK animation studio full of the most loveliest talented people ☺️ they are currently making the new series of & ’s Pony, also making adverts for , + more

9 79

Hi, we are an animation studio from Chile 🤓 We've created shows like ¡Golpea duro, Hara! on Cartoon Network LA, Fin Punch! on Cartoon Hangover

29 123

Hello We are a small animation studio in the south of France, and this is what we do!

11 17

I'm Cody Shaw, storyboard artist! Started working as a revisionist with Avengers Assemble. Since then I've worked on The Hollow, Mega Man: Fully Charged, and a bunch of other things. I really enjoy boarding fight scenes!

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