So did an amazing job coloring this piece from ! Check it out!

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My hands are in PAIN.
We did the Ultimate challenge again!
The Ultimate Librarian(She/Her) and the Ultimate Dentist(She/They).

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Another Ultimate Designers challenge, another two rapidly-designed-in-a-time-limit Danganronpa fan-characters based on randomly-selected talents! Ultimate Beekeeper and Ultimate Tattoo Artist

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's ULTIMATE DESIGNER PROJECT RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ultimate Firefighter and Ultimate Capoeira Master!!! I love them both ok ok <3 I'm so excited to see everyone else's results!

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HEY HEY HEY!!!! here are my submissions to 's ULTIMATE DESIGNER PROJECT EP 2! i had a TON of fun designing these little guys and i cant WAIT to see what everyone else came up with!!!!!

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Finished in time! My randomly chosen talents I got from 's Ultimate Designer's Project, my arm hurts and I PANICKED
The Ultimate DJ (She/They) and the Ultimate Golfer(She/Her)!

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My wrist hurts and there’s things I’d probably fix given more time but! On the left is the Ultimate Archer, and on the right is the Ultimate Bartender!

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i need to play this game right the fuck now its so good

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ko-bee-chi (or ko-vi-chi?) and a bonus k4-bb0

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Second piece from Dalton tonight, his “apology art.” It’s Rantaro time!

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From the still Twitterless Dalton (@/ Inugami_Dalton on IG) we have some fanart from the DR2 post-game finale! Fuyuhiko and Hajime share a rite of passage among brothers. ()

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