Always perfect timing... always

301 1772

dang messed up the export timing...
last frame

7 52

Avec le recul, il est triste de voir que les filmS 10 et 11 n'ont pas eu le succès attendu en salles en France en octobre 1996... Environ 230 000 Entrées... problème de timing... Ces films sont pourtant beaux et rafraichissants pour la licence ! ♥️

22 192

Dear ,
Please stop sucking with captions. No quality checks, lukewarm translations, inconsistent timing... Just...stop. And what the heck is "forCrunchyroll"? You really don't even care about ensuring your own brand is handled correctly?

2 13

I'm a tad late for but then again I never was one for timing...or labels...or tact. But weird jokes and callbacks to Diary Comic XXVI aside, Daddy truly is what I identify as, what I am.

17 106

I'm cold and there's no money for the gas until tomorrow since the bastard meter needs to be paid with the card D: fucking timing...

0 0