[Last Ronin spoilers] turtle fashion turtle fashion! (I had a theory TLR Donnie only wears his mask if he's going into a situation expecting a fight, I guess this could confirm? just going into hypothetical peace talks thinking only of escape routes and murder)

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so I've been watching/rewatching fight scenes for inspiration for the second pass at the Last Ronin Raph fight storyboards, and while I was rewatching the Raph beatdown scene from the 90's movie, an Idea occurred to me (also a TLR version because why not)

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Alright anime/manga fans, who do you think is better? Lala from To Love Ru, or Zero Two from DARLING in the FRANXX? (Apparently Lala's appearance was used as a model to create "Zero Two" at Darling in the Franxx with Nemesis as base personality [got that from the TLR wiki])

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TLR's first big set, or as I like to call it, the titan type. It is called Loge the lord wolf and barghest (# 0014). within the story he is referred to as Amity's "uncle" and specializes in illusions.

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Aside from the TLR papercraft models, I also work with the classics. these are the interchangeable faces of Luz (0007

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Now that the first 4 TLR sets are done (Luz, Amity, Willow and Lilith) it's time to design the next one. In this case it is an original character named Sigurd Blight.

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Back in my old Twitter account () I pointed out that this Armadillo was known as Beta Dillon.

However, I recently found out that he's also seen inside TLR. Codename: arma_p2. He's not Beta Dillon, this is Player 2 Dillon. Meaning, the game had Multiplayer in mind! Wow!

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I wanna see Yabuki write a game of chess in the TLR universe

15. To LOVE-Ru Darkness - 7/10

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Chelsee, Bareia and Panapas, three characters who didn't make it into the final game.

Source: Neverland's TLR site (which is offline by now but I saved these images years ago)


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Can't think of any negative traits. Can you? (Momo from TLR)

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TLR: Welp! Still had this telephone game brewing in the background so here we are.
I had the honour of being invited to participate in my very first telephone game, as expected the results are very interesting. I hope you enjoy it.

Check out all the lovely people involved!

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富山ライトレール TLR0600系TLR0604編成「鉄道むすめ巡り 2nd」のペーパークラフトです。


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Regresando al contenido habitual ¿a quién más le gusta esta Así al natural con sus bellas todas ricas

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