drawings I did of my favorite ship! They're And are by far my fav characters ever! Slythe, the grey boi is my bf's oc, and Mocha, the goat demon is mine! their daughter is Bailey!

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💖✨Tom Lucitor✨💖

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Meu Tom 😖😩💞


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Мне катастрофически не хватает их взаимодействия в сериале ааааААААААААААА

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Uff final I made My baby Melyor

And soon is gonna be her bday yay!!!

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Tom Lucitor because I’m desperately in love with him 😔💖
I haven’t even seen the show 🤡 but I love him

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I'm not a SVTFOE fan, but I like Tom (?
So, here's a little drawing of him I've finished today, hope you like it!

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I aint never seen 3 evil bestfriends,, and the 3 of them has a soft side 😀

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