Brian Adcock on Keir Starmer’s plan to freeze the energy price cap - political cartoon gallery in London

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Chris Riddell on and confront the energy crisis - political cartoon gallery in London

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Merkel y Sarkozy interpretaron "Greece" en la viñeta de 12/2/10; 1ª aplicación de al político que conozco
sumó ayer, ¡en solitario en 🇬🇧!, un


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"Olizia Uturn-Con & Rich Revolta" 😂😥

By Dave Brown

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Coming soon to a dysfunctional country near you (version 2):

The transfer of power, from the to the ERG.

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This from years ago by Jacky Fleming (), sadly, is still very timely


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First thing I've drawn in months. My comment on the Tory leadership shenanigans. Whichever ends up as PM, we're screwed ... some worse than others.

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