Pagan community MUST stand against racists and be a vehicle of inclusion in every single way.
BTW Odin is the ALLfather, not the SOMEfather.

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I can't believe all of this is still happening in 2020...It is just so heartbreaking...

We stand together against racism!
I wish you all the very best! Much love everyone, and be safe!

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Aphrodite igualmente se faz importante. Ela não é somente a deusa do amor grega, mas é bem mais que isso. Aphrodite não precisa erguer uma espada e nem um escudo, ela vence em tudo.

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Lilith é uma deusa guerreira, com suas imensas asas devastou exércitos. Ela não se trata somente de uma das patronas das bruxas. Mas vai além. Lilith representa a força e a vingança.

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bruxaria é o recurso dos despossuídos
se você é bruxe SE POSICIONE
lute em prol daqueles que estão a margem

não se façam de cegos diante da opressão, bruxaria é força pra mudança, e é resistência


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Morticia est une demi-fée de même qu'une wiccan.

Ostracisée et privée de repères, elle sera forcée de s'enfuir de sa communauté et se cacher une grande partie de sa vie.

Elle noie son malheur dans ses recherches et ses rêves et a développé une phobie du contact humain.

9 33

Day 15 - Electric

Echo? Leader of the revolution? More likely than you think!
been thinking of this for a while and as soon as i saw today's prompt, i went for it.

traci's angels? more like traci's warriors 💪💙⭕

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🗣We will be introduced today by and Myriam Kane from the SUTR office. Both are activists who have been at the front of anti-racist organising in the uk ✊🏾

🔈Tune in on Facebook Live at 12

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While FFAK continues on hiatus, Don't forget to check out my other comic -- Nasty Red Dogs! A story about depression, breakups, addiction, shame, ostracism and dogs that are the color red!!

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Oh... A publicity stunt, a prolonged life then death in ostracism

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【お知らせ🆕】『#白い暴動』の前売鑑賞券の発売が決定しました‼特典は"ロック・アゲインスト・レイシズム"のシンボルマークである★の缶バッジ✨限定特典なのでお早めに☝発売は2/7(金)~、#HTC渋谷 でご購入頂けます。#rockagainstracism

43 82

C’est la journée (presque finie) pour embrasser un et bien que ce soit paradoxalement ostracisant, je ne voulais pas passer à côté d’1 ptit dessin mais je n’arrivais pas à choisir.😉

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Ich bin vll nicht unbedingt Teil der Army, aber ich habe die Musik von BTS immer gemocht, respektiere die Band und was sie erreicht hat, und ich hab 1000%ig Geld über, um Rassismus im Fernsehen die rote Karte zu zeigen.

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7pm Fri 29 Nov. Edinburgh (Augustine Church) - screening of The Uprising
10.30am Sat 30 Nov, Glasgow (CCA)- STUC St Andrew's day Anti-Racism march
8pm Sat 30 Nov, Glasgow screening of The Uprising


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Day 5- Traci's Angels. Couldn't be bothered with drawing so made a wholesome meme instead! I'll get back into it tomorrow I promise 😂

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