I'm still on Carson Ellis' train & took some time to draw this week's delightful weirdo - (amphibious, in buckled shoes, with a cat / 3 levels of background-ness b/c why not!).

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🦎 vs. 😼😼😼😼#amphibiousinbuckledshoeswithacat

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Oh, the classic story of the man who lived in the fortune cookie.
• wearing a shirt with your town's name on it
• has a long beard
• Dish (fortune cookie)

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A proud frog dad & his baby drawn for Carson Ellis' latest prompt.

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Is this a thing now that I've done 2 frog heads? For the drawing challenge on IG.

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I've been quite busy working on a couple of big projects, but I still managed to steal some Me time and do this villainous baby-kidnapping frog for this week's prompt. 🐸

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Here is a frog headed person wearing a checkered suit holding a baby. And it’s another two-color drawing! going down over on the Insta.

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Time for a prompt.
• wearing a sweater
• wearing a mask
• carrying a shovel

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on the lam💎💍#maskedinasweaterwithashovel

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So fun to draw this ❤️📚🐍If I had an extra long tail I would most certainly use it on the tube 🚃 to flip the page of an exciting book my neighbor was reading ❤️ Bookworms spy on other people’s books 📚👀🔍 joining in on the lovely illustration ❤️

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A prompt.
-smoking a pipe
-wearing a wide
-brimmed hat -has a serpent's tail

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Quick sketch for another The prompts are always so much fun.

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Another prompt.
- is a beetle⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- is dancing⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- wearing a sweater ⠀⠀⠀

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