Hey you like the look of the mermaids? She’s up for auto buy at €60 for my patroons!


7 22

Goons! The battle for Balatroon was always going to be bigger than just Bulas and Bairs. 🥰

The Goon forces consist of numerous factions and $GOB is your key to acquiring them all!

12 38

Will always be my OG ❤️ First - and only - I minted; and the one that dragged me into Balatroon. I own rarer/better Goons; but this will stay my pfp 💯🍻❤️

4 19

Goons of Balatroon. It’s not slipping. Actually up but due to all the launches coming. Amazing project. Amazing team. Amazing community. Floor is .26. Check it out.

5 12

I am thrilled with my pick-up today - rank from the Goons of Balatroon collection and my first Lava Goon! Cannot wait to play the beta version of the card combat game. Hot like lava, smooth like butter baby.

11 61

Alright bought 2 more 🙌 | welcome to the club!

5 52

🍾💰🧹 SALE - GOON SWEEEEEEEEEEP 🧹💰🍾The legend that is enters Balatroon...AND HOW!? Hard to put into words how much things like this mean to the 🙏 Seriously...this team and its community is next-level! ARISE, SER ROOKIEXBT - see you in-game! ⚔️

14 38

New day; new wallet; new resident of Balatroon 🥳 beginnernftflipper enters the with this 0.15 pick-up of this 1% Cyborg-eyes Bula! He’s a beauty - ‘grats! 👌 🚀🌕

3 12

Don’t hit Snooze on

6:20 Goons Of Balatroon, or
6:25 The Shark Cove or
6:30 Cool Ladies Club! Yes (N)FA!

You will wake up groggy and sad!


1 2

YES what you do not know in this space can hurt You! From rugs to massive missed gains! Get into a great community!

It’s true if you buy Goons Of Balatroon the floor price may raise!! Which is good for me And you!!

Don’t miss massive gains!

1 4

Goons! The battle for Balatroon was always going to be bigger than just Bulas and Bairs. 🥰

The Goon forces consist of numerous factions and $GOB is your key to acquiring them all!

15 49

I agree with Jonathan Bales that Goons of Balatroon is the most undervalued NFT Project. I would like to add there are some features of the project that are cross collectable like BAYC and Sauron necklaces, just to name 2

4 11

Take a look at Goons of Balatroon. PFPs, Full Body avatars, own $GOB passively staked. Card packs launched on IMX ready for Card game Launch in March. Sick art, strong community since August. Team always building and great communication

3 12

Two Legendary and two Shiny Epic cards from the Goon of Balatroon card reveal. Playing cards look amazing.

2 14

Goons of Balatroon is going to be taking a big bite of this MC pretty soon. Card reveal this Sunday, Game beta in couple of weeks, full game release late March/early April. Token staking this month. LOTS of things happening. Blue-Chip inbound.

6 11