It's Birthday! Getting Gruncled is her gift from me! Ha Ha Ha!

4 22

It's Birthday today! They get the gift of being Gruncled! Ha Ha Ha!

8 47

called down the thunder! They got Gruncled for it!

5 27

Was feeling more productive and Gruncled

4 22

Cookie is always a Joy to see in most streams I attend and I love them so! So they get Gruncled!

1 9

is my brother in making Cry with Wholesome messages......AND THAT'S MY JOB!!!! So He Gets Gruncled for Stealing My Thunder!!
(JK Love ya man!)

1 6

Is a pleasure to see everywhere! And...I mean....EVERYWHERE!!! You Need To Rest Man! Hence why he be Gruncled!

4 17

Is always a Joy to see in every stream I visit! So of course I had to Gruncle them! lol

2 25

I Gruncled Lilith yesterday so I had to Gruncle today! Muhahaha!

7 43

forgot to Hydrate today so she's earned herself a Gruncling!

7 39

Next to be Gruncled is the lovely

2 15