Post of the day. It is a beautiful snow day here in Toronto and we are having a hot taco, lunch party 🥳 Have a good Sunday everyone.

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Post of the day. This is a continuation from my last post and it is the translucent back of the painting I posted yesterday. Gotta run! So busy.

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This is the back and a continuation of my last piece. Go back two posts to see the front. I want a bigger contrast between the front and the back.

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Post of the day. The difference between this little experiment and my last piece is I tried one more material, some water soluble crayons. Interesting!

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Post of the day. I thought it was Saturday when I woke up, it was a rude awakening when I figured out it was only Tuesday 🥴

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Post of the day. I really like the juxtaposition of the face with the solid background colours. I’m sure that will evolve over time but for now I will keep it for a while.

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Post of the day. I did this piece last weekend. It is hard for me not to use some bright colours. Did you actually think I would?

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