Uva Academy Kuromi!! Been having way too much fun playing the new Pokémon game 😅

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There she is! Viola!
Before Uva Academy

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meet the newest additions to the teacher staff at the Naranja/Uva Academy; Mr Ingo and Mr Emmet~

[ ]

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Behold on of my SV OCs Tink. Who is my Uva Academy Professor's daughter. She strives to become part of the Elite Four. Is a bundle of chaos and prone to getting into trouble. (And secretly a Magical Girl)

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zeta in uva summer uniform ♡ have fun playing pokemon violet, chief!!

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🌺..finita la raccolta dell'uva
precise le foglie
cominciano a scendere
l'umidità della terra si affaccia
intorno nebbia brumosa

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Cinderace -
I tried to draw Cinderace in the Uva Academy uniform. SV hype!
(It often feels like I draw too much of the same characters, is that a problem?)

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~ Art trade com a
( *`ω´)ゞ💕

💗 + 🔃 + 💬 = Sorvetinho de uva pra você!

41 58

O sino está niña jugo de uva

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desenho pra uva

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Autunno è un raggio di sole tiepido che si posa senza più scaldare
È una mela appoggiata ad un grappolo d’uva e un po’ di castagne su un tavolo di legno,proprio come un quadro di natura morta
Natura morta

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A think you got the wrong tag bro dis shit hot, good job uva

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cyno tomando jugo de uva

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Pero la se convirtió en un área popular a raíz de que las monjas locales decidieron explotar la uva. A partir de ese momento se convirtió en una zona de libre circulación.

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Agora estou fazendo uma menina Uva 🍇🍇🍇

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