Another DnD commission. Character's Sebastian and his animated armoured legs and Shavashu the air genasi.

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Another commission finished! Shavashu the air genasi and her best friend Sebastian and his enchanted armoured legs.

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Here is Donovan "Duo" Ivashutin's full character evolution. From a Crimean Civil War fighter to a prolonged Mercenary. He is the first true adversary encountered in the series.

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I might fix his left arm later, but this is Donovan Ivashutin - NOW WITH COLOR!

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"Nu må du sgu holde op, NH-23/645!
Det var sgudda HAM der angreb OS med den der psykoting der! Nu tager vi hver et ben, slæber ham ud til kvashuggeren,
og så er det her aldrig sket - OK?"

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