This guy's name is Vespucci. He was Duncan's childhood friend, in fact Duncan was his only friend besides his two brothers. Unfortunately their relationship has now soured beyond recognition.

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Simonetta Vespucci, nata Cattaneo, andò in sposa a un lontano cugino dell'esploratore Amerigo e fu tra le più note nobildonne del Rinascimento. Fu amata da Giuliano de' Medici, ma restò per sempre nella memoria del mondo grazie a Sandro Botticelli che la ritrasse più volte...

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Amerigo Vespucci?


Amerigo VesGucci.

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Simonetta Vespucci, Samuel Arlent-Edwards, 19th-20th century

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there goes my head up in the clouds
every time I hear your name out loud
(antarctigo vespucci - freakin’ u out)

just some guys being dudes :)
likes, comments, and rts are appreciated 💕

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“Costei per certo è la più bella cosa
che ‘n tutto il mondo mai vedesse il sole”.
_Agnolo Poliziano

🎨 Sandro Botticelli, Simonetta Vespucci

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Vespucci discovering America. Isn't she cute? With a little light cannibalism in the background. By Jan van der Straet, aka Stradanus, whose day has been today.

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Simonetta Vespucci en:
Linkedin, FaceBook, Instagram y Tinder

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Did I ever tell you my real name❓
It’s Amerigo after Amerigo Vespucci, the man who discovered the continent❗️

Holy Moly, what does it all mean🤯🕸

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“Columbus did not discover this woman,
nor do her eyes resemble caravels. Vespucci never mapped her hair —”
For deep in her heart, no man dwells.

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El 26 de abril de 1476 muere Simonetta Vespucci, una de las caras más famosas de la historia del arte europeo

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Piero di Cosimo (1462-1522) :
- Portrait de Simonetta Vespucci (vers 1480)

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Modèle du genre... Simonetta Vespucci, femme noble de la cour de Laurent le magnifique, était célèbre par sa beauté et son charme. Elle mourut à 23 ans. Elle servit de modèle à Sandro Botticelli qui demanda d’être enterré à ses pieds. La requête lui fut accordée

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1.the sidekicks/happiness hours

2.Antarctigo Vespucci/Love in the Time of E-Mail

3.Albert Hammond jr/Francis Trouble

4.Made Violent/Squeeze

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Born on this day in 1454 Italian explorer and (America name sake) Amerigo Vespucci

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