Das geupdatete Himmelbild kriege ich heute nicht übers Herz. Dafür bekommt Team Vilyass eine kleine Aufheiterung. To be fair...dieses eigenartige Pokémon, das Ilyass da fangen will, wäre schon echt nützlich.

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Riane and Vilya sketches 🌿

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🌸🍃🌸 «Art by Galina Chuvilyaeva»...🌺 Right? that you know that your crazy hair is beautiful... Right? You know that every part of you is special, you should pay attention to the wonderful person you are....no matter who else, look in the mirror and love your reflection!🌺🍃🌸

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Soon, you won't be able to tell real life apart from in game Vilya!

13 41

Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilya.

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