Therapist: "Sheep cat isn't real, it can't make you fall in love with it"

Sheep cat:

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v5 Turbo Smooth Changed the prompt slightly and cranked up the cutout batches to 12. Got some good results. Could almost pass as a fluid painting (what I'm aiming for)

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v5 Turbo Smooth Increased the cutout batches to 8 and I think that helped?

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ruDALL-E Arbitrary Resolution v2 is a beautiful model. Used by to render these

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"The eternal factory as a lady"
- meanderings...interested currently in the "CLIP RGB Optimization" script in - not least because it allows 2Kx2K images - albeit having bayer-type dithering. This 1 had sharpening and F-S dithering applied just because.

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Yet more SlideShowVisions scripting... It has a definite "Style" - but hoo boy does it inspire stuff...

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Having soooo much fun with the new script in - here's a couple of characters - Kirk Douglas and Kurt Russel - stay tuned to watch them transform into Kim Basinger and Batman !...

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Using another program called Visions of Chaos I have entirely new kinds of parameters to tinker with, but I thought I’d start with fractals since I was more familiar with them. Got some pretty cool results!

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