DUDE I heard about this and got excited bc that’s where Zero’s campaign started!

My DM made Zero the son of a runaway Vistani woman and my fav NPC Dr. Rudolph Van Richten who I then...designed a young version for...to draw the parents as a couple...

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Claudia? Vistani vampire hunter

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16th PC: Ideal. Tiefling glamour bard. Big family, hasn't seen them in awhile. Fell in love, she left him without warning, he became slightly jaded and hit on the wrong person (a Vistani) and taken by Strahd as punishment. Made his way out. Fate: ???

2019, 2019, 2019

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Heroes of Golarion from A setting packed with fantasy cultures that take their inspiration from all over the real world, pretty cool.

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16. Zero's father is medical doctor turned legendary vampire hunter turned Dr. Fate, Dr. Rudolph Van Richten
His mum is a Vistani runaway who fled her caravan in Barovia
I love them

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My Vistani, Danya, after she earned the title Slayer of Strahd. Having been taunted with answers to her past by her Prince, she now can only think of one way to get those answers– Madame Eva.

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