Asian Small-Clawed Otter

Living in groups of up to 15 to 20 individuals, Asian Small-Clawed Otters are very vocal and have a vocabulary with at least 12 different vocalizations. These are used for summons, greetings, threats and alarms.

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日本語語彙カードゲーム「Vocabulary Battlers」の



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ドリト​​スに似てる (Doritosu ni ni teru) Part 2

Also check the pixiv ver. Cause in the pixiv i make the part 1 & 2 in the same page (sorry if my vocabulary kinda broken).

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👍 I love ’s explanation for “who” vs. “whom”:

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A LOT = many, much

ALLOT = to give, to grant

Jo is *allotted* $1 for coffee. It’s not *a lot*.


ALOT → a fictional creature by

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Eu adoro maracujá ✨🤗 deliciosa fruta nativa da flora brasileira, conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes 🌷

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Using my interest in art to learn colours in Japanese~ This technique is great for building vocabulary and learning how to write in a language

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Belle you JUST talk with a 10 feet monster proud owner of a creepy castle in the middle of nowhere
The word impossible shouldn't be in your vocabulary regarding the place you unknowingly ended up after your horse left you there because your missing dad was a prisoner

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Yoru turned into cat from the stress and his vocabulary isn't enough to tell you 🥺

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👨🏻‍🏫ℹ️ Here is one of my favorite explanations for “who” vs. “whom”:

[Source: via ]

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.... thanks for reminding me xD

According to reminder emails, I fell off track in 2017, reset in 2020 and fell off track within a year.

I really wanna grind it again (along with my Nativshark). The grammar I still kinda know, but my vocabulary has dissipated a while ago...

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Wither = (v.) become dry and shriveled

Weather = (n.) climate

Flowers *wither* in hot *weather*. 🌺🌞

Whither = (adv.) to where, to what place or state:

*Whither* will Kakashi go for lunch? 🍣🍲

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"As a nun, I can't say I have a repertoire of petnames in my vocabulary. But," she pauses, lifts a hand, gives Ava's cheek a light, almost teasing stroke, "I do believe darling would fit you quite nicely." --- Darling is my favorite 🥹#Avatrice

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Restive = restless or stubborn

Restful = relaxing

The loud barking from the *restive* dog 🐕 kept Henry from spending a *restful* night. 😫

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one of my friends said that apologies are my vocabulary and it reminded me of the time when i tripped on a rock and apologized to it-
lets just say me and my friend were confused when that happened BAHAHHAHAHHA

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This word has creeped itself into my vocabulary irreparably.

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Kiteman has forever ruined my vocabulary

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英語の勉強もかねて、Pokemon 始めました。
To improve my English vocabulary, I started playing Pokemon Violet in Eng.
I could made a pretty avatar mimicking me.

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my vocabulary is in shambles

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