“ty_april22_2022” created by up for auction by me. Reserve price $100, Sold on
🌙Carbon Neutral
🌙Mint for free
🌙No gas fees
🌙Supportive community


3 13

Good night fam! 💜

Piece of our collaboration with
"Draugr" still available on
1/1 and 100 $USDC


9 18

“PRIDE & PREJUDICE: RACE THE UNLOCKABLE EDITIONS + PSD” and Collaboration Opportunity by up for auction by me. Reserve price $200, Sold on
Left: Original
Right: Collab work with me (also for sale)


1 7

I love the pessimism of the Puppet Series. 7 left and actually only $6 👀👀

"Puppet-X" available on


0 6

Hello out there to everyone! I hope that you are having an amazing day!

0 2

P is for Platypus
is now go!!

Thank you for your bid current bid $6.60

5 7