Show me beautiful artefacts, share vulva and put vulva in the spotlight!

It'ssssssss 👌

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It's and I need a pick-me-up 😔

Show me lots of beautiful artefacts, vulva and today, will you? 🥺

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It's the day of the week where you look at artefacts and wonder "could this 'bean-shaped object' be a vulva, maybe?"
Show us your fascinating artefacts and share vulva and today! 👌

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Celebrate and offer your fascinating artefacts, and today! 👌

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Join and share your fascinating artefacts, and today! 👌

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It's and you know what that means:
Share your fascinating artefacts, and today! 👌

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It's time to look at ancient artworks and wonder if maybe something was smoothed away 🤨

Share your fascinatinng artefacts, and today!

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6)This means that all vulvas are differently built in many ways and are unique and beautiful!

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3) So, what is a normal vulva?

You might suggest that it's the one that has symmetrical labia and has no protrusion of the labia minora beyond the labia majora. Also, apparently, it has to be small.

(this is not true (spoiler))🩸🩸🩸

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I'm sick and waiting for the results of my COVID19 test, so I need extra powerful apotropaic magic this 😷👌

Share all your wonderful artefacts, and please!

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The ice queen still rules supreme this side of the globe, so I hope to warm my heart with some beautiful vulva art this 👌

Share your artefacts, and today!

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Hoy es domingo de snk, he hecho este dibujo para agradecer tanto a Bleda como a Vulvarde por hacernos pasar tan buenos ratos y como vamos a estar juntos viendo la última temporada de snk que mejor que dibujarlos estilo shingeki.💜 SASHA GREY OOH!

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has arrived!

What fresh art, history, and do you have to share today? 👌

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Welcome to the first in 2022! 🥳

Share fresh art, history, and today 👌

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