This was Brandy Cinnamon Wages’ Nashville blowout, as mentioned above. Also the ‘80s.

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😱 The affordability crisis is terrifying.
💪🏿 We can beat it by:
🏋️🏾 Boosting the minimum wage to $20 & fighting for decent work for all!
💜 Supporting education workers!
✊🏿 Defending everyone fighting for better work & wages!

52 74

I got this Mona Lisa level of art from . They're great to talk to and I'm currently setting aside 90% of my wages to comm more. Go commission them and get them to raise their prices to the correct amount of £1000000000000000000... Please?

3 9

Some of you may have noticed something slightly different with 's weekly updates on insta recently 👀

Enjoy these sketches, and if you're a DC resident vote to raise wages for tipped workers!

8 42

Nun Oku
Wages of sin is death and all that

38 242

Yves Montand (13 Oct 1921 - 9 Nov 1991), French stage and film actor and popular cabaret singer.

"Montand married acclaimed actress Simone Signoret in 1951, and made his mark as an actor in Henri-Georges Clouzot's classic suspense thriller 'The Wages of Fear,' 1953.

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I ran this over with my office chair by mistake, so I traced it and redrew it. I lost some nuance in the expressions, so I went back to this one and marked it up some more, and glued it to another hacked up piece of paper. Now this is the version.
Mama and Papa Wages

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Today is the International Day of Sign Languages. As members of PA, Auslan interpreters unite communities every day. As a union, we fight for secure jobs, good conditions & liveable wages, building a sustainable profession, so the Deaf community has the interpreters they need.

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So wait.. the conservatives argument is that corporations are contributing more to CPP since 2006 is a huge problem.. yet have zero issue with record breaking profits at the expense of stagnant wages and price gouging..

16 33

Unsolicited politics aside...the artist couldn't be bothered to get references for what an arrow should look like when foreshortened.
Guess that'll happen when you're getting paid fast food restaurant wages; while working for the second largest comicbook company on the planet.

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Well, the state of the japanese entertainment industry is tragic. The slave wages being paid to japanese animators and artists are nowadays lower than the ones being paid in China; as explained in this video by Aya Hirano, the voice of Haruhi Suzumiya.

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Newly scanned drawing. Moira the witch catches David the lost soldier stealing her tomatoes outside of her cave in the wasteland.
The Wages, An Illustrated Story

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“Every soul will taste death. You will be paid your wages in full on the Day of Rising. Anyone who is distanced from the Fire and admitted to the Garden, has triumphed. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of delusion.”

(Quran, 3:185)

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I souped-up some of the drawing in this scene where Brandy Cinnamon Wages’ ex-husband Mark gets in one last parting shot after their divorce is finalized, while his lawyer urges him to settle down.

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June heard the story from The Sand Keeper, who heard the story from Brandy Cinnamon Wages herself.
Brandy told her life story to pass time while she sorted the scrambled sand that would unlock the gate of the void, so she could fly into it.
The Wages, An Illustrated Story.

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Dr. Ftero is Dr. Cleo’s contemporary successor. She uses her mobile radio to contact Brandy Cinnamon Wages who is unreachable in the wasteland. She asks Brandy to find the void and retrieve Cleo’s Camera before Eyedeevee can, so he can’t use it as a bridge to destroy the world.

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Eyedeevee creates a wasteland that makes a portal to the void at its centre. In doing so he accidentally diverts and traps a country singer named Brandy Cinnamon Wages and her band into the wasteland while she is finishing a tour of Faterfair.

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This is as good of an excuse as any to follow up with the “Crystal Wages as ‘70s maid of honour” drawing.

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