Lee el primer acto de mi segunda historia más larga "Las profundas raíces del alma" en wattpad, con la aparición de Dana Crow, la dama blanca:


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[O.L. Aug 18, 2020]
Hey guys H. I. Lee here,
Oddosite Chapter 2 is out now on Wattpad, and I hope you guys enjoy the story and art of mine.
Read Oddosite: https://t.co/HWZPBiLhep

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Saya buka jasa ilustrasi untuk book cover, include backcover dan bookmark. Selain itu bisa juga untuk ilustrasi novel, cover wattpad, KaryaKarsa, atau platform menulis online lainnya. Pembayaran selain paypal bisa melalui BCA atau e-wallet.

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Anyone looking for illustrated book covers for their wattpad, dreame, or goodnovel stories? I have premades available! 🫶

DM for inquiries!

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ignore the guy in the back he's my friend xd)

She is Mellea (references: Wattpad, drawings, she likes, no, she loves Rebecca Doodles, she is an angel only with people she knows)

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Dos escenarios para la historia que ando escribiendo en wattpad, son para el au xd

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Partes de la historia de Wattpad, si haré una historia la haré bien QwQ

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¡Saludos! Podéis llamarme Esnou.

Soy creador de contenido Actualmente escribo historias en donde llegué a quedar ·Finalista· en los Premios
Colaboré en un blog.

En éste "Hilo (Fijado)" recogeré todo lo relacionado con dichas historias.

¡Un saludo!

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It’s here. I finally got the next chapter of done. Oh my god, thank god it’s finally done. Go read it on Wattpad, if you want. Thank you to everyone for being SO patient with me, I truly appreciate it. ❤️❤️

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No suelo leer en wattpad, y si leo algo, las historias me aburren con mucha facilidad. SIN EMBARGO, I wanna be yours, es una obra maestra y me encanta.
Me tiene chillando en silencio y riendo como una puta cría.

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AU moderno de HuaLian, inspirado en esta historia en Wattpad, súper recomendada 🥺✨

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Ok, I'm gonna sneed to soldier through the rest of this to get it done. Update 1 of 2 for today.
(17/??) Elevator Shaft scene comic from (It's a Wonderful Afterlife on wattpad, go check it out!)
Idea/Storyline belongs to
Ft. and

10 30

TODAY IS THE DAY!! My new Webnovel "Somewhere That's Green" premieres tonight at 6pm Pacific on Tapas, Wattpad, and Honeyfeed! A new episode "airs" every Friday at 6pm!

TAPAS: https://t.co/pFzEQhTC3M
WATTPAD: https://t.co/sMKMylHHcl
HONEYFEED: https://t.co/HTeyv3PUWT

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There is so much to look forward to today. Let's witness last hosting gig on Kumu, Wattpad Now: True Story Monday.

With guests that are also known on Wattpad, the authors , and, of course, her co-host later at 9 PM.

— ♡

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Eu gosto de desenhar em foco do rosto, mas as vezes me arrisco em full body, chibi eu costumo desenhar de corpo todo por ser mais "fácil", também escrevo história com meus OCs no Wattpad, espero que gostem dos meu traços e possam me apoiar e me acompanhar ❤️

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Promocional para mi historia secret of magna star próximamente disponible en wattpad, sin mas espero les guste bros xD.
Pd: link a mi pagina de fb

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Eu gosto de desenhar em foco do rosto, mas as vezes me arrisco em full body, chibi eu costumo desenhar de corpo todo por ser mais "fácil", também escrevo história com meus OCs no Wattpad, espero que gostem dos meu traços e possam me apoiar e me acompanhar ❤️

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Mañana subiré las ultimas traducciones y el primer capitulo de Wattpad, con la dedicatoria...
Aclaro el capitulo 00, no yo lo escribí.
ahora del capitulo 1 en adelante, de plano esos van de mi mano.

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BEAUTIFUL! Meet best friends Cam and Nonon, the main characters of my upcoming web comic, "Somewhere That's Green"!

Premiering Next Friday, July 1st on Tapas, Wattpad, and Honeyfeed!

Art commissioned by

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I know I sort of spoiled it, but this is the official cover for the first volume of my new web novel "Somewhere That's Green"!!

Art by

Coming to Tapas, Wattpad, and Honeyfeed July 1st!

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