Not What I Was - Page 161

...well, congrats on figuring out how to use a shotgun, Doc. But you didn't have to drop it after one shot.

I guess one guard's having a good day, at least.

0 4

Not What I Was - Page 160

I tried to get across in the last panel that the guard's shaking his head no.

Not sure this motion came across, so if anyone has any suggestions for the future, let me know!


0 4

new page today!! In which we give a boy with terrible vision good eyes for once

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Cisumtember prompts:

6 9

I'm the monster! And what the what who!? In the latest update of Voidchild!

Read it here:

RT's appreciated!

1 1

Not What I Was - Page 159

No, Doc, that's not how you use a--you know what? Fine. At least you didn't throw it.

Also, if you're going to try to surrender or something, the time is _before_ you shoot someone twice

2 4

woo check it out, my comic updated!!

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8 11

Not What I Was - Page 158

I'm sure that'll buff right out...

Okay, Doc, you have a weapon now that won't set everything on fire. Do NOT throw it at someone.

1 4

Not What I Was - Page 157

Looks like Doc's got a new shield..., wait, he's just throwing it again.

Shields work best when you hold onto them, Doc, regardless of what that comic book movie says.

1 3

Who's up for a new adventure? Hudson and Kirsten have a special breakfast surprise for the friends in this month's mini adventure, Muffin Makers, now available to read!

3 8

We thought she was laying it on pretty thick too…#timetoleave

2 1

Some girls just have all the fun!

Root & Branch UPDATE - Featuring a fun cameo and some OSHA approved activities!

A beautiful fantasy adventure with drama, action, fun characters, and delightful twists! Updates Mon & Wed

3 4

Not What I Was - Page 156

Okay, this guy's showing some promising initiative!

...right up until he turned his back on the enemy.

In fairness, most people don't reach through flames...

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Not What I Was - Page 155

If a knife appears on p.136, it must be used on page 155. Chekov's stabby thing, right?

Minion w/ the SMG's probably happy he switched places at the top of the stairs on p.150 w/ the rifle mook

0 2

lovely piece of fanart by user BlankEye on dA 🤩

2 27

I'm nhot sure why today feels like friday to me but it is not, have a wednesday page!

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5 10

Abe gets out of the way, totally on his own, in the latest update of Voidchild!

Read it here:

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Not What I Was - Page 154

Look, maybe if you concentrate your fire on, no, don't bunch up like--

Never mind.

Guess Doc's done with that door now.

3 4