Christopher Leggero, ten years later, returns to his native country to search for clues to the missing Alicia.

10 31

Lision being grumpy,,, only three things could be upsetting her that much!

11 32

How to get attention of your cat boy boyfriend (visual tutorial) ((ignore the horrible anatomy lol my sickness isn’t letting me do shit))

12 36

I don’t have anything to post so here’s Benjamin front and back, did make his covering fluffier and gave his horns a little curve also feel free to ask more questions lol

7 14

Omar De La Estrella & Rosario Gutierrez.
Alicia's parents. Omar is a councilor from the commune and Alicia's coach, he seeks to win votes to be mayor. Rosario is a florist and very popular in the neighborhood where she lives.

4 16

"The one who gets stronger with your agony, he's here! Fallen Star!"

7 21

hell yes, I'm back hshshdhd I'll go little by little catching up úwù 💖 for now I'll leave this drawing of my baby Hashira ✨✨

16 36

"-Why is the door open?
-Ali?! Haha, thank you very much, I forgot!
Happy birthday, Christopher Leggero!🎂🎁 (09/02)

10 25

The young woman whose code name is Street Artist. What is the reason for her visit to Wonderworld?

11 34

✨Fancy as always~!✨
A new alternative outfit for our beautiful lady

30 105

I didnt like Mirage's design, so i put it through a massive overhaul. Heres the new design for mirage, Child of Nights and Balan. :) Maestro of childhood wonder.

29 103

"Balance can fall into positivity or negativity, this time he fell into negativity and she into balance"
One of probably thousands of tales in WonderWorld.

17 53

Finally got around to designing Balan and Reala's daughter! Her name is Panacea, and she wants to heal hearts, just like Balan. She's kind, quick-witted, organised and highly sarcastic at times.

18 88

Happy Wedding💐🥀

Redraw of a drawing made past year, your honor they're married 🤧🤧
2022 vs 2021

17 50