And ofc some personal art!
Second one is a silly fan art comic for with Webber and Wx-78

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I have a lotta ships and I can't pick just 4

However here are the first ones that popped up in my head

Porter x Sammy Lawrence
Richard x Cale'anon
WXson (Wilson x WX-78)
MT x Druid

0 2

Original: 4wX3CTh7EcrPiVa

0 1




0 1

Tigereye Steven universe oc ace6wx 💎💎💎

0 5

wx-78 concept idea i had on mind since april but been too lazy to draw it + im not a dst modder

1 26

This is so cool! W’WX (Forest name: Oruuj Rehw-Setlas) is from a small village within the Golmore Jungle. Canon jobs are: Reaper, Bard, and Sage. Random facts: his red chocobo was an engagement gift from his now husband. He adores Doman and Hingan culture, especially plays.

0 3

First drawing in forever. Inspired by latest wx manhua panels because their love is REAL

16 83

i dont even know what to write here, wx in clothes i guess

21 188

I just really enjoy when wx meet for the not-so-first time…

61 336

quick alt outfit for wx because their other one was too complex VGHBFJK

16 54

1. Oldest OC: Spooks (featuring some 2020 art KJFGHB)
2. Newest OC: WX

1 7

El gran emperador wei a tomado como esposa a la fallida concubina lan
se rumorea que aun conserva su virginidad intacta aunque ya a estado en el harem de wx por dos años
que escandalo¡¡¡¡¡😲😲😅

29 158


Drew Wx78 From Don't Starve Together With his Trusty Sidekick Jimmy!🔧

5 11


7 58