Campaign One - With The Death Of Yeenoghu, & Zahir Transitioning Back To Sseth, An Army Of Leaderless Gnolls & Yuanti Looked To Attack The Dwarven Fortress Of Dragonspear... Fortunately My Player Enlisted Yeenoghu's High Priestess Zaiden To Intervene

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Campaign 1 - Session 5 Or 6 Of The Assault On EVerlost Concluded W/Zaiden, 2nd In Command Of Yeenoghu's Attack, Surrendering & Bringing It To A Halt. Though My Player's Have Warded Off The Demon Attack, The Attack On Her Home Plane Of Water Continues

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last night the party thrashed Yeenoghu's cultists so badly that things escalated to a personal brawl between Baphoment and his arch-rival

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Campaign 1 - Yeenoghu Slain, The Demon Attack Against My Player's Everlost Continues, But Rather Than The Demogorgon Aiding Yeenoghu, He Appears To Have Set His Sites On My Player's Home World, The Water Plane...

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Tonight at 7:00PM EDT over at, the party prepares to defend a Temple of Lathandar against Yeenoghu's demonic hoard. How do mortals possibly fair against the Beast of Butchery and his endlessly hungering hoard?!
(artwork by )

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Campaign 1 - Round 2 Of The Demon Attack Upon Everlost, My Player's Warlock Cast Tsunami, Killing 165 Of Yeenoghu's Gnolls & 100 Of His Ghouls Art

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She is a cultist devoted to Yeenoghu, she works rituals over her kills before feeding them to her pet hyenas transforming them into ravenous Gnolls.

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Next up little Yeenoghu the Gnoll God. Deep in the Abyss and lap dog of Orcus, always hungry, always savage but now a scruffy boy

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Campaign 1 - So Much To Do... Planning An Abush By Zaiden (An Ally Fiend Of Yeenoghu) & 63 Gnoll Fang Of Yeenoghu, As My Player's Warlock Looks Through The Now Empty Halls Of Everlost

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8 days left until the big event and I can't believe I forgot to do my monster count yesterday. So without further ado. Number 9, spawn of Yeenoghu, and Number 8, servant of dragons, scorpioner of sticks,

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ABYSSAL INCURSION is now on 3 new locations on the River Styx to add to Descent into Avernus: Baphomet's barge, Yeenoghu's pet, and an elemental galleon! Maps by !

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ABYSSAL INCURSION is now on 3 new locations on the River Styx to add to Descent into Avernus: Baphomet's barge, Yeenoghu's pet, and an elemental galleon! Maps by !

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Want to wield the power of Baphomet's Heartcleaver or Yeenoghu's Butcher? Get the stats for these artifacts now on

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Digging through some files.
Here's some of the passes the Fang of Yeenoghu went through...

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D&D Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus is out TOMORROW!!
Here is some concept art for the Demon Pack of Yeenoghu.
Balor, Barlgura, Dretch, Quasit, Hezrou

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A good Yup, in our Champagne H.O.L. (Hero's of Legend) our Gnome Barkley landed the finale blow on Yeenoghu, his death unshackled the tribes of Gnolls around the world. Changing their lives for better or worse depending on who leads the shattered tribes. Art By me.

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I'm about to get spit roasted by Baphomet and Yeenoghu.

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Yeenoghu, demon prince of gnolls by Uriah Voth

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