…what should I do ?….even though I did that…I don’t feel anything at all…
( TW fake bruises and blood )
( part 2 )

12 108

( part 1 )

sangwoo forced me to post theses.
Gave yoonbum another go. There’s something about him that I enjoy cosplaying yoonbum.
Instagram: __k.cosplay.__

TikTok : __k.cosplay.__

10 123

私は旅行に来て何してる( ^ω^ )はい、サンウジお絵描き、、、

6 23

今日はこないだの逆で、近距離のサンウさんにはいつもデレなウジンくん( ^ω^ )

7 27

Bum is probably the only character ever whose fans get his name wrong
His name is Bum, not Yoonbum 🥹
Yoon is his last name

2 33


11 102


11 24


5 22

KS4巻登山デートパロ。サンウジinto鬼殺隊、人じゃなく鬼を狩る鬼滅世界線サンウジ、、、ただの私得イラスト( ^ω^ )すいませ、、、

5 19


7 29


6 26

Yoonbum has the right to finish school🎓✨ And he did it!

14 210