Colaboracion con artistas! Chico de gafas Yoshimaru, Chica de enmedio Danielle, Chico con botella Naberious, Chico albino en el piso Ryan, Onuris Valech el de gabardina! Kotatsu por mi!

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I'm making a thing because I'm bored. Also Yoshimaru needs their own version and I can't find one... is there one already? Either way, I'm making one... but I'm not sure if I can do them justice 😅

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Coming Soon !
特注オーダー企画Only ONE-83
明日5/6 12:00〜

境みなと /

habotan /
愛猫 縁起物付き招き猫 土人形他2

似顔絵ビーズブローチ & カラーアイコン

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ah...demon/angel yoshimaru is now a thing...i have been fed 😊

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it’s been so long since I’ve drawn anything yoshimaru...u_u

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I don't have any finished drawings so here you have a wip of my boy Yoshimaru, a mix of dragon&kirin 🥰 He's a sweet boy 💙🌿

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ただ今、krimgen さんとyoshimaru さんのものがあります。
yoshimaru さんの個展が終わっても、カレンダーは引き続き販売しています。

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I just love how Yoshiko is looking at Maru in the new little devil set <3

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pov: yoshimaru negging you from across the room

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i promise to draw something other than yoshimaru one day

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Translation of YoshiMaru in Dengeki's October issue!!! THEY'RE SO CUTE HHHGHH

Art spread text says:
"Sorry, for calling you here. But, I have to confess something..."

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