Well, well ...
Looks like someone disturbed their sleep.
Featuring Hezekiah and

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Name's Hezekiah. I design cars, weapons, and OCs and I just derp around and have fun.

*Imma tag a few artists if ya don't mind*

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Nezekiah is “hungry”. Post your cats/big-cats OC’s below.

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Another fine practice piece.
from a time before he met Hezekiah.

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[CW: Blood]
The sweet iron taste of blood.
's Hezekiah and my

(Quick and dirty doodle that I had to do before several parties involved had to go to bed - me included.)

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"Its lips are a bit rough, Mr. Whitebell. Did you not feed it enough?", she said with a taunting smirk in her voice.

about to drink from his (former) Sire Dr. Hunt while Hezekiah is watching. uwu

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Here’s the big bad guy in Zeus’s canon: Nezekiah “Nez” Orboro. Look at that belly!

Art done by and

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"And she lusted after their lovers, whose sexual members were like those of donkeys and who's emissions were like that of stallions."

Ezekial 23:20

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Sometimes you just gotta accept it, and let yourself be comforted.

and 's Hezekiah.
Again. I don't make the rules.

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- Villain
- Aforementioned "coworker" of Ezekial's
- Captain of the Sun Guard (one of the only non criminals here i think?)
- Honestly? trying to keep it together
- seriously trying her best
- Callo's sister

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Couldn't just leave Hezekiah and Lisbeth alone, so ...
Here's Dezso with his doggo, this savage beast.

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Character design for my dnd character Zekial - she lives in a desert city and raids ancient dwarven tombs for their loot. I tried to reflect the desert in her clothing, and I’m really pleased with the way she turned out!

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Heyo! I'm Hezekiah and I design characters, cars and sometimes weapons. I'm working on a comic as of now. I tag and cuz these guys are awesome and deserve every follower they get.

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Oh, look at that. Some more goodness and finally some as well. What can I say? I've got a taste of it, too. And it's delicious.

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Only make for fun, do this "what-if" crap, so I did on Ezekial from ATHF, as what if he was remained with the aqua teens. So just some random AU and added an age comparisons from his debut to today in our timeline.

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Hello, Hola, Aloha and good morning! I'm Hezekiah but call me Hezz or Hezzy. I'm an 18 year old from the Caribbean and I draw cars, characters and weapons. I tag and

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Another Dezso scribble. Pre-prison time (hence, no eyepatch).
Studying some case files and notes while drinking scotch and smoking (way too much). Hezekiah brought him some tea but he has yet to aknowledge its existence.

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Hezekiah then is Tigger's Older brother always helping each other and having taught something great.

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