Full body 20$
Half body 15$
Headshot 5$
Chibis full body 15$
I can do background like the one on this picture for 5$ extra(no heavy detaills)
I post my stuffs in Instagram, @ mereni.zelanie I am self learning artist so I am not proffesional, but I hope you like my artstyle.

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Back after 3 weeks hiatus, just in time (-ish) for Takagi-san 3rd season!

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Minha tia Didi se foi esta manhã. 91 anos bem vividos, tenho certeza. Que Deus a tenha e que ela esteja sempre zelando por nós. Obrigado por tudo, tia.

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Post-exercise snack on the couple day

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📷 Aflo Sport / 長田洋平さん

184 848

AJSKDLFDSKL I am so happy to learn that Sonheim has a major national holiday to celebrate the concept of fair wages, complete with a folkloric figure who all children love. Merry Szelanyanatt everyone

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zeladora e
zelante ❤💕🤧😭❤💕😘❤💕😘🤧😭❤💕💕❤😘😘🤧❤💕❤💕❤❤💕😘🤧💕😭😭❤💕

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9. Maori People, Huka Falls, New Zeland (2011)
10. Huli People, Papua New Guinea (2017)
11. Marquesan People, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia (2016)
12. Korowai People, Dekai Region, Papua (2010)

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kino humph era reminds me of zelan from 'freaking romance' webtoon 😳

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Don't miss in Switzeland, presents the original artworks by HR for album cover as well as an extensive collection of Chris Stein's original photographs
Until 31st October.

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Tauraco persa (Guinea turaco) is a bird that can be found in forests of West and Central Africa.

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不知火フレア/Shiranui Flare
Summer is ending, but something still burning hot no matter what season

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I forgot I had an AU vilous timeline where Tal get invaded by a mammalian race of people called mernok, the mernok had two factions, the Zelander Jarkod Imperium and the Galactic Federation of Turon

Imagines below are GFT Infantry including eltus refugees who join the navy.

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